When dealing with business transactions, attorneys must have a firm grasp of the processes as well as the legal ramifications of their actions. McGhee Law has the experience, knowledge and resources as well as the dedication to superior client service, to serve as counsel to executives and business owners on the legal implications of business transactions, including business agreements and the associated negotiations, business and legal strategies to achieve the companies goals, mergers and acquisitions, and at the other end of the business cycle – the dissolution of businesses. 

We offer a wide range of specific legal services in addition to those listed above, including the drafting of contracts for sales or acquisitions, financing of business operations, employee and shareholder agreements, operating agreements, technology licensing and copyright protection.

Knowing how business and industry functions is is a key component to developing and implementing legal strategies, drafting effective contracts and successfully negotiating. We work to thoroughly understand the businesses of all our clients in order to best possible service and outcomes.

We are located in Atlanta, Georgia but are licensed in Georgia and Florida. Contact us today for a consultation!